NCES.8.H.1 - Apply historical thinking to understand the creation and development of North Carolina and the United States.
- NCES.8.H.1.1 - Construct charts, graphs, and historical narratives to explain particular events or issues.
- NCES.8.H.1.2 - Summarize the literal meaning of historical documents in order to establish context.
- NCES.8.H.1.3 - Use primary and secondary sources to interpret various historical perspectives.
- NCES.8.H.1.4 - Use historical inquiry to evaluate the validity of sources used to construct historical narratives (e.g. formulate historical questions, gather data from a variety of sources, evaluate and interpret data and support interpretations with historical evidence).
- NCES.8.H.1.5 - Analyze the relationship between historical context and decision-making.